
Nature & the Outdoors

articles, books, podcasts about nature, outdoors, movement, walking, and coaching outdoors

Articles About Nature & Outdoors

  1. "Take Two Hours of Pine Forest and Call Me in the Morning" by Florence Williams (2012)

  2. American Society of Landscape Architects, Health benefits of nature page, contains numerous links to articles and studies on the benefits of nature.

  3. "This is your brain on nature" by Florence Williams

  4. David Strayer, TEDx talk: Restore your brain with nature

  5. "For better health during the pandemic, is two hours outdoors the new 10,000 steps?" by Betsy Morris (2021)

  6. Time spent indoors

     EPA, Indoor Air Quality, Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors.

  7. Nature is good for cognition


    Spending time in nature has a restorative effect on human psychology, helping us recover from mental fatigue and the improve our cognitive functioning. Nature modestly grabs our attention, and in so doing allows our brains to recover through a process called “Attention Restoration Therapy,” a phrase coined by Rachel & Stephen Kaplan in their book The Experience of Nature


  1. The Pandemic Pushed People Outside And Now, Some Companies Hope They Stay There, NPR, March 25, 2021. Bikes, boats, golf equipment and campers sales have gone up dramatically since the start of the pandemic with more people trying more outdoor activities.

  2. 2021 Special Report: New Outdoor Participant (COVID and Beyond), Outdoor Industry Association, March 31, 2021. “New participants are more likely to be female, younger, living in an urban area and slightly more ethnically diverse than existing participants.”

Articles About Movement & Walking

  1. "Walking helps us think" by Ferris Jabr (2014)

  2. "Don't underestimate the power of a walk" by Deborah Grayson Riegel (2021)

  3. "Take a walk, sure, but don't call it a break" by Dan Pallotta (2014)

Books & Podcasts


The Nature Fix by Florence Williams

The Coaches' Handbook : The Complete Practitioner Guide for Professional Coaches, chapter titled “Outdoor Eco-Coaching” co-authored by Anna-Marie Watson & Alexandra Burn


Coaching Outdoors, hosted by Anna-Marie Watson and Alexandra Burn. Anna-Marie is a certified Performance Coach, former British Army Officer, and an ultra-runner. Alexandra (Alex) holds several degrees in psychology and coaching and is a gardener and a birdwatcher. I was interviewed for episode 24!

Daring Self-Leadership & The Nature Connection, hosted by Gerdi Verwoert, a former consultant, project and facilities manager turned certified professional coach and mountain hiking guide living in the Alps. I was interviewed for episode 26!

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