

Trust and Team Success workshop

Emotional Intelligence workshop


Trust and Team Success™ is offered in partnership with Apollo Orion Coaching.

  • Offered as a two or three day workshop, your team will learn skills to increase trust, communication, and collaboration at work.

  • We work with your team to learn the importance of using clear language to make requests and promises and the importance of emotions and timing when making requests and promises.

  • Using the Energy Leadership Index Assessment™, individuals will learn to identify their emotions and identify the ideal energy and emotions for communicating with their team. Alternatively, we offer the EQ-i 2.0™ emotional intelligence assessment.

  • The workshop can be presented as a standalone workshop or a workshop with follow-up one-on-one coaching sessions for team members.


  • During this one day workshop, we will work with you and your team to understand the importance of emotional intelligence for leaders, particularly sustainability professionals.

  • Each participant will be given the EQ-i 2.0™ assessment and receive a report on the fifteen emotional intelligence skills. Prior to the workshop, each individual receives a debrief on their report.

  • The workshop can be presented as a standalone workshop or a workshop with follow-up one-on-one coaching sessions for individuals to further enhance their emotional intelligence.

Slide deck on emotional intelligence for sustainability professionals


  • In a half-day workshop, we discuss the importance of well-being, how to improve well-being and how to incorporate nature into your well-being routine.

  • We will go on a nature walk near the workshop site to experience nature’s health and well-being benefits first-hand, using the Nature Roaming: Roam, Connect, Grow™ method.

  • Your team will leave this workshop with skills to Nature Roam™ when they want to be more creative, take a break from the screen, think through a problem to gain a fresh perspective.