

Careers, leadership, well-being, nature & outdoors

Build Trusting Teams

A week or so ago, I attended a webinar, Build Trusting Teams, a Simon Sinek, Inc. event. (There are more of these coming up.)

Here are some choice nuggets:

  • It is hard to build trust when waters are rough. It’s better to do it when waters are calm so that when we need it, we have it.

  • You can’t make anyone trust you. You can only behave in a way that allows people to choose to trust you. 

  • Trust is a feeling we get. And it’s an active choice that we have to make. 

  • All we can do is show up in a way that encourages people to trust us. 

  • Trust needs to be built, maintained and repaired. To repair it, must show consistency to desire to repair it. If you know you’ve broken trust, humility and willingness to say that you know you broke trust and here’s how I did it (if you know) and you want to fix it. 


  • Get in the habit of having feedback conversations. Then people don’t fear it as much. 

  • How to deliver and accept feedback. FBI. Feeling. Behavior. Impact. (This is similar to SBI: situation, behavior, impact that I learned about in my sustainability masters program.) What is the feeling, specific behavior, impact of the behavior.

Ask better questions

  • Monitor the types of questions we are asking ourselves. Because our brains will come up with an answer. So are we asking the right questions. Ask more empowering questions. Ask more generative or building questions. “how can I improve ….” What ways can I implement new habits to get better at ….” 

  • The quality of our lives is correlated to the quality of questions we ask ourselves. 


  • Live the culture. Culture = values + behavior

  • Strength of culture is the degree to which values are lived. Articulate values as verbs or action phrases.